hindu gods are aliens

27 January 2012, 18:33.



Among other things which fascinated Indians a lot are the weapons used by the devas(gods) it carried on till ages because the technology was handed over from one generation to other . This might have happened till they ran out of consumables for the system or until they reached their expiry date or may be even cut on sanctions from their home planet!every thing they used were state of the art if u relate the incidents they might have been in the same stage as we are or may be more advanced by a few hundred years.There is enough evidence suggesting the use of weapons of mass destruction in the kurukshetra war because as per the written scriptures there were nearly 40 lakh warriors and soldiers combining the pandava and kauravas.leave alone the cavalary (wikipedia:Each army consisted of several divisions; the Kauravas had 11 while the Pandavas controlled 7. A division (akshauhini) includes 21,870 chariots and chariot-riders, 21,870 elephants and riders, 65,610 horses and riders, and 109,350 foot-soldiers (in a ratio of 1:1:3:5). The combined number of warriors and soldiers in both armies was approximately 3.94 million).so it makes sense taking into account the advancement of the technology the aliens or the gods had.further more I would like to add quotes form another blog called controversies in history it goes as follows

(Was the ancient indian war of mahabharatha a nuclear war??
Did ancient indians use weapons if mass destruction (WMD) while in the west humans were still in their primitive settlements?

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One Response to hindu gods are aliens

  1. Alien weapons for sure, we just misinterpreted the ancient text

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