Are the Churches of Lalibela Evident of Alien Culture?

25 November 2013, 11:24.

Are the Churches of Lalibela Evident of Alien Culture?

Now we know that aliens have been around our planet since the ancient times. We have been able to find out that aliens have interest in architecture. Is it the reason behind some of the most significant structures present on earth? There are many structures which are assumed to be not manmade. Aliens are considered responsible for the construction of unique structures like Pyramids. Ancient alien theorists explain that aliens have left us the signs to realize that some outer-space species exist who wish to be friendly with the humans. Analyzing the theory, we are able to identify that many structures are simply unique and aliens have never harmed human beings. Do you know that another piece of amazing architecture has been discovered? The TV series Ancient Aliens has depicted the alien constructed building in Ethiopia.

Few church buildings have been recently discovered in Ethiopia. Do you know how these churches have been built? Is it possible to construct a church from many blocks of stone from a single rock under the ground? It is just not possible even today with the advance technology and tools. What the aliens did was that they dig soil and created a gully all around the center rock piece. The workers must have placed their tools and planned the building process while standing in the gully. The simple center rock piece was designed in such a way that it looks a real time church. You must be thinking that the aliens would have just created the outside look of a church on the rock. No, that is not the case. Do you know what aliens did? They created a real time church from the outside and inside.

The church has many windows, doors, wall hangings, tables, seats, stairs and much more. The most interesting part is that aliens were able to create two portioned floors within the church. This is simply unbelievable. What it means is that aliens had to take out all the rock pieces with immense care in order to make sure they don’t destroy the structure. Later, they created a partition within the huge rock piece to make two different floors while constructing stairs to access the upper floor. Anybody visiting the church will be definitely convinced that the building is not manmade.

According to researchers, the building techniques, tools and technology used to construct the building were not present in 12th century. It is scientifically inexplicable and impossible to construct anything like Churches of Lalibela. Publisher of Legendary Times Magazine, many authors, a P.H.D. in history and one of the guests on the Ancient Alien TV show expressed their opinions regarding the church of Lalibela. They all were forced to believe after extensive research that the building was constructed with the help of aliens. Aliens and human workers used to work together in the day whereas aliens worked alone in the night. Aliens managed to do double amount of work in the night which allowed them to construct the building in no time at all.

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