Puma Punku built by alien visitors

29 January 2013, 17:27.

Puma Punku built by alien visitors

Puma Punku built by alien visitors

Puma Punku is a site built at least 2000 years ago, but believed by some to be even older than 10.000 years back. The megalith construction is believed to have been built by aliens due to a number of reasons. One of the most important has to do with the shape of the construction material used – stones, some of them weighting as much as 100 tons, and, also, carved into one of the toughest materials known at the time, which poses problems when considering cutting even to those possessing modern day technology.

Basically, this type of rock called diorite could have only been cut with diamond, and when the stone is not diorite it is granite, again, one of the toughest materials on Earth.

Furthermore, when inspecting the stones, they were arranged in such a fashion as to have a clearance between them of only millimeters at them most and had to have been transported from a site tens of miles away.

Basically, these stones and the construction that they embody seems to have only been possible using technology which hasn’t is simply too advanced to have been Earthen at the time of the construction, which, if the theory is correct, is 10.000 years ago. How could Stone Age Indians, believed to have lived in a late stone age and to have used tools of the period achieve such incredible feat of technological, materials engineering and management?

Some are still unable to answer these questions which remain unanswerable to this day and which have led to the conclusion that aliens must have been involved in the process. Others take a more conservative point of view and suggest that the site was built over a large time frame and that these were possible with the technology of the era, but took generations to complete.

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