What is the History of Aliens ?

19 November 2013, 19:27.

What is the History of Aliens ?

Do you know since when the aliens have been visiting our planet? Do you know the time aliens first visited our planet? Do aliens have a history before mankind existed? Are aliens a 20th century specie? What is the actual history of aliens? All these and many more questions come to our mind when we think about the history of aliens. The real question is that will we be able to explore the actual history of aliens? It is an extremely difficult job. Scientists and researchers need to have a face to face contact with an alien in order to find out more about them. Capturing an alive alien would be even better for us. To date, we don’t even know whether aliens are friendly with us or not. Many different theories have been presented by ancient alien theorists.

According to ancient alien theorists, Annunakis were the first aliens to visit our planet. Annunakis might have visited in the time of Sumerian civilization. The Sumerians are as old as any civilization on our planet. However, this is what we have been able to find out. Aliens might have visited our planet long before Sumerians. Few theorists claim that aliens genetically mutated the first human beings on our planet in order to provide intelligence to the mankind. According to this theory, aliens are considered as our forefathers. Aliens taught Sumerians many modern day techniques and methods which is why Sumerians were the first people to actually settle in one place and grow crops by having efficient cultivation and irrigation system.

Egyptian civilization provides quite a lot of evidence about alien existence. The walls of pyramids suggest the method of making a flying machine. Ancient alien theorists claim that pyramids have been constructed by aliens. The ancient Indian civilization also provides evidence on existence of outer-space beings. Sanskrit scriptures mention the details of constructing flying objects which were used by Gods who came from skies. The UFO phenomena have been discussed in many civilizations and religions. The Holy Bible provides interesting information regarding the Prophets being in contact with aliens.

According to ancient alien theorists, people have misinterpreted aliens as Gods. To explain more, religions have originated as a misinterpretation by the people. Many conclusive evidences have been presented in order to support this theory. The stiffest believers of religion might also start questioning their beliefs after going through the details of these theories. The Greek civilization is considered to be connected with aliens in the ancient times. The disasters in the land of Greece are the result of war between aliens and humans. Greek Gods are nothing more than aliens.

In the modern era, all we know about aliens is that they appear for few minutes in their futuristic technology possessing flying vehicles. No conclusive evidence has been found in the modern era. However, many alien encounter and alien abduction stories have come up in the modern era. People expect an alien invasion on our planet in the future.

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