Theories of erich von daniken

26 October 2013, 8:32.

Theories of Erich Von Daniken

 Many people question the existence of aliens and whether not they have ever visited our planet. Some major controversies have been argued over the years. None of these arguments are as famous as the theories and beliefs of Erich Von Daniken. This was a man who had studied biblical stories all of his life. He was a Catholic Christian that took a chance and showed the world that Gods could have been extraterrestrial beings. This caused much uproar in the Christian community even though his beliefs never said there was no God. Erich’s theories were torn apart and questioned by the whole world.


God created the heavens and earth and everything in between. That is the Christian belief.  Erich Von Daniken, a great author and researcher, brought up the questions about the biblical stories and could it be possible that they were seeing aliens visit our planet. Those aliens were the Gods that Christians worshipped. Erich questioned why the Egyptians would construct such a pyramid that reached so high. Why did it have pictures of flying objects and ancient writings that spoke of flying machines and Gods visiting Egypt? Erich’s famous book the Chariots of the Gods really brought all of these questions to light. His theories became controversial and upsetting to many Christians. It questioned everybody’s beliefs.

Erich traveled the world to help prove or disprove his theories. The Ancient Astronaut Theory was created due to his beliefs. In this theory it is believed that these ancient aliens influenced our cultures and how we progressed into what we are today. Those aliens visited our planet because we are hybrid beings of angels and aliens. Aliens put us on this planet to see how we would develop. This theory causes much uproar in the community but it is studied widely by Ancient Alien researchers. The reason Erich believes that we are influenced by aliens is because we went from what appeared to be uneducated creatures to intelligent life. How did these transformations happen? How did we teach ourselves to build and create such a place to live? Erich believes that ancient religious texts tell us stories of aliens visiting and teaching us how to live.

All of these beliefs are based on many different clues. Theories are strong in the Christian belief because of the Bible and how well it is known. When Erich started questioning the biblical stories with his beliefs the world started attacking him and calling him unaccredited. Erich proved that there are structures in the world that would be impossible for our early ancestors to have built. The belief is our ancestors could not have physically built them or even come up with such an idea without help of someone.  In the famous place of Pumapunku, Erich asked the people who still live there who created this ancient place of stone? They all will point to the sky and tell you the Gods built this place in one night.  So who were these people that influenced the people of our civilization? Did aliens visit our planet or were there Gods helping us develop?

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