What is an alien encounter?

13 February 2013, 17:16.

What is an alien encounter?

 What is an alien encounter?

Whether real or not, whether they have already happened or not, the alien encounters can be classified into a few different categories depending on the type of relationship established and on the type of information that can be shared after the incident occurred. But, before we take a look at the scale of these encounters, let’s first define them, to get a broad feeling about what they stand for and to aid our classification.

An alien encounter is established when a human being is able to investigate first hand an object or a being other than human made. Therefore, if a human is seeing an UFO, he might not be totally aware whether that object is human made or not and he can conclude that he had an encounter of the first kind.

A first kind encounter is thus classified as any sighting of an object whose appearance is not immediately assumed to be of human making. Therefore, the first encounter is generally the most usual and easy to debunk as being a human made flying object which was not easily identified as human.

A second kind of alien encounter on the other hand is a situation where seeing the object is also accompanied by a physical effect on animate objects or other non alive ones, but the one who views it is not affected directly.

The third kind of encounters requires that the actual aliens leave their space ship or that they are seen directly.

The forth kind means that the individual is abducted by the aliens, but they are not free to manifest themselves. The fifth type would be the contact in which communication is bilateral, both parties communicate freely at their won volition. If the individual is injured by the aliens or killed, then the sixth type of alien contact has taken place.

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