Alien invasion

31 December 2012, 11:48.

Alien invasion

Alien invasion

Alien invasions have boggled the minds of many scientists, people in the cinematography industry, and in other branches of popular culture but also astrophysicists, biologist and the general public. Therefore, it remains a subject that is highly interesting and controversial. Basically, if the alien abductions and the sightings of UFO’s are to be believed as true, aliens might have visited us and we can’t be sure of what their motivations might actually be.

Basing one’s theory on the fact that aliens need to be a lot more technologically advanced than us in order to establish contact, it is also very probable that they would have a much more advanced weapons systems, which, in case they are not seeking to make peaceful contact, will mean that we would not stand a chance in facing them.

The reasons why aliens would invade us are also very interesting. A race of humanoid aliens might be driven to seek refuge to other planets in the event that their natural resources were depleted, or if they were in need of us as slaves.

Invading aliens have been portrayed in many different ways in popular culture, starting from the 60’s and the B movies where aliens have big heads and green bodies and continuing to present day, aliens have been portrayed very diversely. But nobody knows how aliens might look like.

Alien life biologists however think that up to a point, any alien life, carbon based, has to share a few of our traits – they have to have a system of locomotion, thus legs or other organs, they might need to have hands to manipulate objects in their environments.

To this day however, massive alien invasions have not happened, and we are only left to wonder how much of the alien sightings, alien abductions and other stories might actually be truthful. In the mean time, let’s hope that aliens will come in peace if they ever decide to come to us in great numbers.

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