ancient atomic knowledge

03 June 2012, 14:26.

ancient atomic knowledge


Unexplained glass fields

Ancient sheets of fused desert glass are a geological fact. Lightning is largely ruled out as the cause of these glass fields by geologists, who proffer the theory that they were produced by meteor or comet impacts. The problem with this theory is that there are usually no craters associated with the anomalous fields of glass. When the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand was transformed into fused green glass. It is well known that atomic detonations on or above a sandy desert will melt the silicon in the sand and turn it into a sheet of glass. Thus the sheets of ancient desert glass found in various parts of the world raises the possibility of atomic wars that were fought in ancient times or atomic testing that occurred in the dim and distant past.

ancient atomic knowledge

Vitrified ruins

Vitrified ruins have been discovered by archeologists around the world. Are they also evidence pointing to ancient atomic war? In Scotland there at least 60 vitrified forts. One of the best examples is Tap o’Noth, which is near the village of Rhynie in north eastern Scotland. At first glance it seems that the walls of the fort were constructed from stones, but on closer inspection it is apparent that they are made from melted rocks. What were once individual stones are now black masses, fused together by heat that must have been so intense that molten rivers of rock once ran down the walls. Explanations for the vitrification are few and none of them are universally accepted. A team of chemists subjected rock samples from 11 forts to rigorous chemical analysis and stated that the temperatures needed to produce the vitrification were so intense, up to 1100°C, that a simple burning of walls with wood interlaced with stone could not have achieved such temperatures. Vitrified ruins have also been discovered in France, Turkey and some areas of the Middle East.

Atomic warfare in ancient India

In the great Indian epic of the Mahabharata, there are descriptions of fantastic battles that were fought in the ancient past with airships, particle beams, chemical warfare and what appears to be atomic weapons. Just as battles in the 20th century have been fought with devastating weapons, it could be that battles in the era of some lost super civilisation were fought with highly sophisticated weapons. Several historical records claim that the Indian civilisation has been in existence for literally tens of thousands of years. Yet, until 1920, all the “experts” agreed that the origins of Indian culture were within a few hundred years of Alexander the Great’s expedition to the subcontinent in 327 BC. However, the discovery of numerous large cities that include Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, Kot Diji, Kalibanga and Lothal have forced archaeologists to push back the dates for the origin of Indian civilization by thousands of years.

These cities were highly developed and advanced. The cities were laid out in regular blocks, with streets crossing each other at right angles and the entire cities were organized into sections, giving archaeologists cause to believe that they were conceived as a whole before they were built. Even more remarkable is that the plumbing/sewage systems throughout these cities were so sophisticated that they are superior to those found in Pakistan, India and many Asian countries today. Sewers were covered and most homes had private toilets and running water.

The Rama Empire, described in the Mahabharata and Ramayana, was supposedly contemporaneous with the great civilisations of Atlantis (or Asvin as it was called by the Indians) and Osiris in the West. The Mahabharata describes a great war and the weapons used: huge fireballs that could destroy a whole city; “Kapila’s Glance”, which could turn 50,000 men to ashes in seconds; and flying spears that could ruin entire cities. Interestingly, Manhattan Project chief atom bomb scientist Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer was known to be familiar with ancient Sanskrit literature. In an interview conducted after he watched the first atomic test, he quoted from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.” When asked in an interview at Rochester University, seven years after the Alamogordo nuclear test, whether that was the first atomic bomb ever to be detonated, his reply was: “Well, yes, in modern history.”

More evidence of ancient atomic doom

Incredibly, archaeologists appear to have found evidence in India and Pakistan, indicating that some ancient cities were destroyed in atomic explosions. When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, skeletons were discovered skeletons, many holding hands and sprawled unburied in the streets as if some rapid, terrible catastrophe had overtaken them. These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found. At one site, Soviet scientists found a skeleton which had a radioactive level that was 50 times greater than normal.

Furthermore, thousands of fused lumps have been found at Mohenjo-Daro. These appear to be fragments of clay vessels that melted together in extreme heat. Other cities have been discovered in northern India that show evidence of massive explosions. One such city, found between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal, seems to have been subjected to intense heat. Huge walls and foundations in the ancient city are fused together, literally vitrified. And since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro or at the other city sites, the intense heat involved can only be explained by an atomic blast or impacts from some other unknown weapon. The cities were obliterated.

More possible evidence of an ancient nuclear war in India comes in the form of a giant crater. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater, located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and dated as being formed less than 50,000 years ago, could be the result of an ancient nuclear explosion. No trace of meteoric material has been found at the site or in the vicinity. Lonar is the world’s only known “impact” crater formed in basalt rock. Evidence of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, sudden heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) has been obtained from the site.

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