UFO spotted with night vision

28 March 2012, 19:10.

This is the Brown Mountain lights to the right of the screen ,and the blue and red orbs are something we have never seen before.This was filmed using 3rd generation night vision goggles for National Geographics show called Paranatural



Sightings of these lights go back at least 800 years when the native Cherokees thought them to be the spirits of slain warriors. That these lights go back so far rules out any man-made illumination, such as auto headlights. The lights have since been well documented by subsequent residents of the area. There have been dozens of observations by explorers, some dating back to the 1700s, and by Civil War soldiers; several newspaper reports and magazine articles have been written about the lights. They have been described as being white, yellow or red; some say they are stationary while others testify that they move around. According to Joshua P. Warren’s L.E.M.U.R. team, which has studied and photographed the lights, they often “line up into ‘troop formation’ and ‘march’ across the ridge, disappearing over the top.” The peak time for viewing is in the Fall.


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