Six Ancient Constructions that Were Probably Built by Aliens

30 January 2013, 17:46.

Six Ancient Constructions that Were Probably Built by Aliens

Six Ancient Constructions that Were Probably Built by Aliens

We don’t want to jump to conclusion with this list, but there are, indeed, a few constructions scattered throughout our globe which simply seem to have required technologies that must have been absent form our human inventory at the time these were built. Whether built by extraterrestrials, aided by them but built by human hands, or simply built by humans, these constructions boggle the mind as to how they came to be. At any rate, here they are:

1. The Trilithon at Baalbek. Humans have built places of worship in Lebanon for a lot of time, using stone and other materials, but what is very interesting about one such temple is the fact that it was built on top of massive, 1200 tons weighting stones, which were not local, but transported from a quarry in the vicinity. A massive 1200 tons of stone, in one piece and no clues as to how it might have been transported has to raise some questions.

2. The Nazca Lines. Somewhat in tune to modern day crop circles, these lines are embedded in rock and are perfectly straight for very long areas. What had drawn the Peru inhabitants to draw these, in absence of any flying machinery to actually see them from above? And why did they construct them in the first place?

3. Palpa, the Flat Mountain. A perfectly level surface carved close ot the Nazca lines, as if to invite a flying vehicle to land there. If one wants to go so far, it could very well be said to be a heliport, with the Nazca lines as guides.

4. Sacsayhuamán. A massive construction of rocks, again belonging to Peru, a construction in which all the rocks were brought from at least 22 miles away and were conjoined without any mortar to keep them together.

5. Pyramids of Giza. Almost known globally, these are massive constructions, where the materials and the craftsmanship seem to suggest alien intervention.  However, more recent exploration might have uncovered the methods used to build them which, if impressive, are nonetheless 100 percent human.

6. The Puma Punku. Some of the most geometrically perfect stone carvings, engineered to fit together perfectly, leaving little room for error in the designs. If there is any which should raise questions as to how they were built, these have to be it. Some ofteh stonework is so perfectly cut as if lasers were used.


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