Ancient alien ruins at Ollantaytambo

02 April 2012, 20:30.

Where is the ancient alien evidence?

It’s found everywhere on our planet !

See to believe.


PERU, Ollantaytambo

9000 ft above sea level. Here lies the ruins of the ancient city of ollantaytambo.

Main stream historians claim ollantaytambo was build around 1448 AD by the Inca emperor Pachacuti. But some think it was build on top of a much more older city. One who origins remain still unknown !

This picture from the gateway of the gods has been in this place thousands of years before the Inca arrived. Build with precision, we can hardy duplicate today.

It was build by a culture we dont know. we dont know where they came from or where the went. Some of the buildings date back to 20.000 years if not older. And they were cleary master stones masons. You can see for yourself..

The civilization we know think have build this would be the as old as Adam. Or as we think the first humans. But how could the first humans have been master stone masons?

They even build aqueducts and irrigation systems, that still function today !

They build and moved stones of granith weighing more then 50 tons each.

It’s something they could not have done without help from alien astronauts.

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